My 28 Day Challenge; Your Good Skin
I was delighted to partner with Boots Ireland recently and go on an interesting skincare journey. I don’t have any major issues with my skin if I’m honest but with all the makeup I wear for work, it’s nice to feel like your skin is properly cleansed. Also, as a Mum, I don’t have the time I used to for facials and elaborate skincare regimes but I would like to know that I can go makeup-free on my days off and not feel too self-conscious about my skin not looking good.
So, I agreed to take the ’28 Day Challenge’ using products from their ‘Your Good Skin’ range. I used the full product range and about two weeks in I noticed a difference. The cleanser comes with a muslin facecloth that you use to clean the skin and it really feels like you’ve properly cleaned your skin afterward. The other product from the range that I feel made a huge difference was the Balancing Skin Concentrate. This goes on after cleansing and before your moisturiser and a little goes a long way. I’m convinced its this little hero product that has managed to even out the colour and tone of my skin but also reduce pigmentation under the eye and cheek area. All in all, the products are very affordable but also are gorgeous to use and appear to work very well. Granted I didn’t have any serious issues but I believe these products are for everyone so perhaps they’ll be even more effective on other skin problems.

I’ve now completed the 28-day challenge but I’m still using the products and really enjoying them. Will I go and buy them myself? That’s the real test isn’t it? And the answer is yes. I most definitely will.
For more information on Your Good Skin, just visit or any Boots store nationwide.